Integrative Massage
An Integrative Massage uses multiple techniques to address EVERY aspect of wellness. Whether you're looking for a gentle, relaxing massage or that deep tissue feeling, an Integrative Massage addresses your unique needs from session to session.
What techniques are included in an Integrative Massage? Your Massage Therapist can inform you of the specific techniques they can provide. Some of our massage therapists include muscle cupping, trigger point, myofascial release, and thai. Others use Reiki, reflexology, Tui-Na, aromatherapy, and more!
What conditions does Integrative Massage help with? Muscle Tightness & Discomfort Frozen Shoulder Tech Neck & Postural Correction Anxiety & Depression Sciatica & Low Back Pain Stress Relief Headaches & Migraines Sports Injury Fibromyalgia Digestive Disorders High Blood Pressure Arthritis Chronic Fatigue Insomnia & More!
Which Massage Therapist is best for you? Each Massage Therapist is different for many reasons: professional experience, where they were educated, continuing education the atmosphere they create, etc. Massage Therapy is an opportunity to relax and support your overall well-being, so your Therapist should be someone you feel safe with. We have a few tips for finding a Massage Therapist who's a good fit for you: 1.Check their experience: if you feel that your current state of well-being is complex, you might choose to go with a Massage Therapist with years of experience, or even experience working successfully with your conditions. If you’re simply wanting to give Massage a try, and you feel that you are generally healthy, a newer Therapist might be a good fit! 2.Check their training: like many professions, there are thousands of different techniques within massage. It may be helpful for you to research which techniques your Massage Therapist learned, so you can decide if their style is a good fit for you. 3.Book a Consultation (or give them a call, if they don't offer a consultation): what better way to get a feel for someone than talking to them! This is a great opportunity to share with them your concerns, why you want to get a massage, and to hear their response. ~Does their response make sense to you? ~Does their response feel aligned with your expectations? ~Does this person feel safe to you? We are so passionate about Massage here, as we have all had personal successes, and we wish for our community to have the same opportunities we did! We hope this checklist helps you to find a great Massage Therapist for you.